10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Meta Descriptions

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Meta Descriptions

Estimated Read Time - 5 mins

Enhancing your Meta Descriptions is a basic and essential factor of on-page SEO. Tragically, because of the reality, Meta depictions are not, at this point an immediate rating signal, some site situating pros neglect to give them the consideration they merit. If you need to drive more focused on organic traffic, help your CTR (Click through Rate) and improve changes, the absolute first thing that you need to do is to keep away from huge Meta description blunders. Here the question arises, do Meta Descriptions matter in SEO? The appropriate answer is a yes of course, but not for the reasons you think. 

You need to make Meta descriptions for SEO as well as for some different purposes. There are some accepted procedures you need to follow while making them. But how do you know what exactly should be a part of your Meta tags optimization? Search for the best SEO agency in Mumbai on google and you will get the answer to your question. 

Keep in mind, SEO is not about ranking, it is also about:

  • Attracting your customers
  • Setting up the power of your business
  • Engaging in with your targeted audience through content full of keywords
  • Inciting some action via searchers

Google organizes Meta descriptions more on a mobile device than on a pc or desktop. Google gives a piece as an outline of the content produced by site owners to help searchers to comprehend what the pages are about. Thus, at whatever point you create meta descriptions, make sure they make sense, and attempt to make the best meta descriptions by avoiding these mistakes – 

Meta descriptions those are excessively long: 

The most extreme length of a Meta depiction should be 160 characters for desktop and 120 characters for mobile. You ought to make a description that is clear, captivating, and ought to never surpass the character limit.

Meta descriptions those are excessively short: 

While keeping your descriptions short and basic is fundamental, a too-short Meta description probably won't promote the content in the manner in which you need. The too-short Meta descriptions may need content, and in this manner, quality. To play safe, attempt to make it 160 characters with an amazing call-to-action.

Conflicting Meta description with page content: 

We as a whole know Meta description sums up a page that is related to it. In any case, there are several cases where Meta depictions come up short on their significance because of an absence of regard for everything about. When your Meta description is conflicting, web crawlers will never think about it. That implies you may lose your odds of having your content appropriately recorded and positioned. 

Absence of relevant keywords: 

At whatever point you compose Meta descriptions for your website content, ensure you utilize the correct keywords with a more drawn out. Ensure you incorporate an ever-increasing number of important keywords inside that word limit. Google may feature the watchwords it discovers more significant and aids in drawing in with the SERPs. 

Description Duplication: 

Copied Meta descriptions showing up on various website pages may influence your website's impression. If you need to have an extraordinary effect, make a special and connection with the description. It helps the web index crawlers to comprehend what is the issue here. 

Stuffing of Keywords: 

Catchphrase stuffing is another mistake the website owners regularly make. It is extraordinary to fuse an essential keyword or expression into your page portrayal for consistency with your page title and URL. Try not to rehash similar keywords with different varieties to make a 160-character sentence. This may likewise be considered as a copied description. 

Your Meta Description is boring: 

Keep in mind, your Meta description reflects what the page is about. It portrays your page and pulls in and connects with the crowd to your website. Thus, write your descriptions in such a way by remembering the keywords. To create and write catchy Meta descriptions, you must hire Mediallianz. We have a team of SEO consultants in Mumbai that focus on SEO techniques and services that suits your business.

Excluding call of action: 

If you are finished with website page content, and your call to action isn't added, it will look incomplete. The same goes for your Meta descriptions. Having a CTA added to your content makes it more reliable. 

Mistaking Meta descriptions with Snippets: 

Another normal mistake individuals frequently make is that they get mistaken for metadata and snippets. The words you compose are Meta descriptions, and the words the web indexes shows in the SERPs is the snippet. At the point when Google shows snippets, it utilizes your Meta descriptions around 30% of the time. 

Not making any Meta descriptions: 

This point may appear to be pointless for many, yet a fast survey of various sites would demonstrate that few sites need fundamental Meta descriptions for their site pages. Truth is, Meta descriptions probably won't have an immediate connection to ranking, yet they have an impact on your audience and web crawlers and help in improving engagement.


To summarize, we can say Meta descriptions matter, and you should be cautious while making these descriptions to evade any mistake and make your sites all the more engaging your crowd just like search engines. Keep in mind; they assume a significant part in organic search. At Mediallianz, we assure you of genuine business growth that is what you can expect from our top SEO Company in Mumbai. Not just improvement in rankings and traffic, but also an enhancement in leads & sales. 

Let’s give your website a boost up the search rankings by giving it a correct meta description, call us today on +91 9324370476 or e-mail at contact@mediallianz.com


By - Team Mediallianz
Posted on 30th Nov 2020 - 11:49 am

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