E-commerce SEO

E-commerce SEO – 5 Steps to Get the Website Structure Right

Estimated Read Time - 7 mins

This blog aims to show the importance of SEO for e-commerce websites, 5 steps to improve the website structure, and various benefits businesses can enjoy through it.  

The e-commerce industry is growing at an incredible rate across the world. It has been on the upward growth trajectory in India too. Given the growing interest among consumers today towards online purchases, there has been a significant boost in the use of e-commerce websites as well. Thus, SEO for e-commerce websites is important to stand out in the online world, grow exponentially, and make profits. 

E-commerce SEO

E-commerce SEO is essentially an umbrella term that includes a wide range of processes and activities that boost the ranking of e-commerce websites. E-commerce SEO includes optimization techniques that help in making the website visible on the search engine page results when a user enters a query. One of the key components of E-commerce SEO is website structure and user experience. Find out the importance of it in the next section.


Importance of E-commerce Website Structure

An e-commerce website, irrespective of whether big or small, needs to have a robust website structure. If you have a small e-commerce website, it will most probably grow when more products are added to it. Thus, you need organized product categories which are logical as well as user-friendly. Generally, there are two reasons why e-commerce website structure is important: 

Search Engines – Google search engines and other search engines use crawlers to index website pages. A simple and good website structure helps the crawlers to discover and index new pages and show the relevant ones in the search results.

User Experience – Good website structure makes navigation easy, which is an important user experience factor. This is vital because users will visit multiple product pages to find what they want and take necessary action. Thus an easy-to-use website will boost website traffic, leading to conversions, profits, and ultimately growth.

You can partner with the best SEO Agency in Mumbai such as Mediallianz for the SEO of your e-commerce website. The highly experienced SEO experts use the latest tools, advanced methods, and successful strategies to boost and grow your e-commerce business online.!

For more details about SEO services, contact us today


5 Steps to Improve E-commerce Website Structure

E-commerce SEO

SEO for e-commerce begins by planning, defining, and implementing website structure. Let’s see the 5 steps to improve the e-commerce website structure.

1. Website Hierarchy

Website Hierarchy

Website structure basically means the hierarchy of web pages on your site. According to SEO experts at Mediallianz, the user should never be more than three clicks away from the home page of an e-commerce website. For example, the home page should be at the top of the hierarchy. It should be followed by different categories, sub-categories, and finally product pages. 

2. Easy Navigation

Easy Navigation

The website structure should be such that the path should be easy and logical for website visitors to follow, and they should find what they are looking for quickly. It increases engagement due to good categorization, product information, and easy access. Moreover, relevant products through recommendations can be shown to visitors as well. Additionally, you can use various elements such as search, filters, bread crumbs, internal links, and footer navigation, which are commonly used in e-commerce websites. Thus, easy navigation is the backbone of a great user experience. 

3. URL Structure Optimization

URL Structure Optimization

Once you are done with website hierarchy and navigation, URL structure optimization should be given focus. It should be matching with the navigation structure you have decided to use. The URLs are important, and they must contain relevant primary keywords for every page of the website. Titles should be optimized in the same manner. The simplest way to achieve this is by including category, sub-category, and product page in the URL structure. It has three-fold benefits: It helps Google crawlers to find and index the page, enables the user to easily understand what they are visiting, and helps SEO experts to include keywords. 

Some other aspects you must take care of include making URLs descriptive, keeping URLs short, including keywords, using dashes, including numbers, and avoiding characters without any relevance. In addition, HTTPS encryption for URLs has become a necessity as Google itself has encouraged it and considers it as a ranking factor. Besides, customers will be assured of safety while conducting transactions with HTTPS e-commerce websites.

4. User Sitemaps

User Sitemaps

Creating user sitemaps is one of the e-commerce website structure best practices. A good and useful sitemap will include all the categories, sub-categories, and other pages which will make it easy for website visitors. You can all add XML Sitemaps to Google Search Console which will inform crawlers about pages that you would want them to index. Use both types of sitemaps as they will help in improving search engine visibility and Google indexing.

5. Others 

Structured data is another way of providing additional information to Google’s SERP results. Google Tag Manager can be used to implement data snippets. Different elements like reviews, price, and product information can be displayed. Usability and Page Speed are important factors when it comes to SEO of e-commerce websites as well.


Benefits of a Good E-commerce Website Structure

SEO Agencies

Now that you know how to improve the e-commerce website structure, find out its benefits.

As mentioned, a good website structure means crawlers can discover and index the website pages easily. Plus, the user finds it easy to navigate, which will lead to conversions eventually. A positive experience combining Google and users will make your e-commerce website successful. Also, site links are shown in the SERPS, which can include your main categories, which will get you more clicks. However, which page is displayed depends on Google. 

As you can see, there are a lot of SEO-related factors associated with e-commerce websites that are imperative to success. Once you optimize the website structure as mentioned in the blog, you can be sure of better traffic, SERP rankings, and conversions, which is important for any business.

Mediallianz is one of the leading SEO Agencies in Mumbai, offering world-class e-commerce SEO solutions to its customers for a long time. Contact us today at +919324370476 or email at contact@mediallianz.co to partner with us.


By - Team Mediallianz
Posted on 7th Sep 2021 - 11:00 am

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