How to Boost Brand Awareness on Social Media in 2020

How to Boost Brand Awareness on Social Media in 2021

Estimated Read Time - 5 mins

Here is the moment of truth for those businesses that haven’t used social media marketing yet in 2020: The internet has gone mainstream, most of your customers are online juggling between Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and big and small brands are boosting brand awareness on social media like never before in the digital marketing space. 

Any social media marketing company in Mumbai would agree to the fact that there is a huge competition among brands today in the social media platforms. It is no wonder that the advertisement budget of brands has gone up consistently because they want to reach the target audience before their competitors. Marketing from ages past has been about appealing to the audience. Now that the audience is present in the social media platforms, a whole new way of marketing is a necessity. 

One of the amazing features of social media marketing is advocacy. People who love your product can easily inform to hundreds and thousands of others in an instant. It is similar to word of mouth marketing but in a whole new virtual world. That is the power of social media marketing. Those who understand this simple mantra of appealing to a single customer can ace the social media game. 

So, how can you boost brand awareness on social media in 2021? 

Stand out profile 

Always consider social media as a channel of influence. It should have an effect on any user who visits your profile in any of the social media platforms. One of the key factors at play here are design and the content. Yes, they grab eyeballs pretty quickly. Therefore, having a consistent design throughout your social media profiles is a must. It should be easy for everyone to recognize your brand through the colour patterns used in the posts itself. 

Everyone shares information with texts, images and videos. Your competitors share too.  You can develop your content marketing strategies and campaigns which are unique and at the same time relevant to them. Be it the cover photo content or bio content, make it as much unique as possible and stand out.

One of the challenges is that through social media you cater to a wide range of audience with different interests, behaviours and likes. A right strategy can help you reach an even larger audience. Therefore taking the help of best social media marketing company in Mumbai will keep you in good stead. 

Personalization is the key

A platform like Twitter can be effectively used to engage with the individual user who engages with your brand. In that case, Facebook can be used to a certain extent as well. This can be done with personalized messaging. Suppose, a customer asks a query or comments on your post, engage with them with a human response rather than using bots. Of course, there are distinctions but maximizing the power of personalization can have a far-reaching positive effect in developing lasting relationships with the audience in social media.

Blend creativity with consistency

Fashion your social media brand page in such a way that scrollers can pause and take notice of the brand. Some of the brands have used creative ways remarkably well to establish themselves. It can be mind-blowing illustrations, engaging storytelling or interactive video content. It depends on the platform as well. What works for Instagram may not work for Twitter. Each platform needs its own way and creative thinking as well. 

By consistency, we mean to engage with your audience regularly. The attention span of the audience has greatly reduced. Top brands have consistently produced valuable content so consistently that people just want more of it. Therefore, a robust planning, creative team and an understanding of trends are important for success. Using the latest trends is one of the best ways for brands to blend creativity and consistency in the posts. This is where SMO Services in Andheri provided by leading companies like Mediallianz can help you.

Tagging and Hashtags 

Tagging people has a multiplier effect. Just imagine how far and wide can you inform about brand, products or services by tagging one single user. It can be an influencer or a loyal customer, but the reach is significant. You can smartly use the tagging option to boost brand awareness. 

Hashtags are powerful as well. The trending hashtags can get you better engagement. If you use a personal hashtag and it starts trending, it is easier for people to search for you easy as well. It also gives a good opportunity to leave an identity in the minds of people. Remember, a creative and appealing hashtag can work wonder as well.

Social media tools

There are excellent tools which can help you create unique designs, image optimizing tools, social monitoring, analytics which can help you collect customer data and develop social media plans that will boost brand awareness among the interested audience as well. 

These are a few ways in which one can boost brand awareness on social media in 2020. Now, remember it is a tedious task to carve out a brilliant social media presence and sustain it in the longer run. Expertise is the need of the hour. The SMO service in Andheri provided by Mediallianz is one the best in the business. Contact us for more details.

To know more about social media marketing strategies, call us today on +91 9324370476 or e-mail at


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Posted on 9th Mar 2021 - 10:00 am

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Very informative. Please keep writing such blogs!
11:28, 11 Nov 2020

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